Lt Col Neil Crumbie 27 July 2001 Leicester. Thomas Albert Freakley, ex Band/Drums. Died Leicester 19 June 2001. Heard today (8/1/2000) that LCol Wilson OBE DL has died . He was chairman of the 'TIGERS' committee.No more details at present. Funeral etc when known will be put here.(Am told monday 15/1/2001) at Barkby ring 01509230603 for possibly more details; I can only pass on what I hear. (Information from Mel Gould) Well he's buried now and another one goes.I do hear he was on active service in Korea & Northern Ireland, can't be many done that. If you know of another let me know. WO2 ALF BUXTON (BUCKO) ex-1st BN. Royal Leicesters died on 25th november 2000 at Gt. Yarmouth age74 after a long illness, ex publican in Leicester.He was in the training wing with Col. John (Danny) Heggs and Jimmy Jenks. Funeral was in Yarmouth. No more details known. Any further inquires to; Messers. Brundish & Son. 01493-842768 Col John (Danny) Heggs D.L.died 22 October 1999 and is buried at Ratcliffe College Leicestershire. He was a well like man as was seen by the turn-out for his funeral. Gen. Walker (Top Soldier in the British Army) came to see him off, as did many old Leicesters and Royal Anglians. There are photos of theWake and the Headstone at; http://commumities.msn/RoyalAnglians
Col. John Heggs Funeral. Grave photos.Ratcliffe College. Leicester. |